Project Type: New
Construction Cost: $87M
Size: 315,000 SF
Career & Technical Education
Roger L. Putnam Vocational Technical Academy
Springfield, MA
The existing facility, constructed in 1939 and added to at several stages in its history, no longer served the educational needs of today’s career and technical students. In addition, after our existing conditions assessment, it became apparent that an entirely new facility would be the most cost effective and best accommodate the desired educational goals. Due to limited swing space and the lack of relocation options however, our team determined that construction had to occur within the existing site while the school remained in operation.
The design called for a new 315,000 SF structure sited on playfields without disturbing the existing facility or parking areas. To create smaller learning communities, the school’s 1,400 students are organized into four academies: a freshman academy and 3 career academies. Unlike traditional vocational schools, each career academy in Putnam features its own academic classrooms along with their dedicated shops. Additionally, there are separate administration, resource and teacher work areas to foster collaboration among instructors and students.
The main feature of the design is “Putnam Hall,” a two story, main street-like space serving as the central circulation. This main street provides access not only to the core student spaces such as the cafeteria, gym and library, but also serves as a mall for the public to access student-run services such as a restaurant, beauty salon, school store and conference center. The building is configured to allow for after-hours community access to all of these programs. This project was completed in 2013.
Vocational Programs:
- Automotive technology
- Automotive collision
- Carpentry
- Electrical
- Sheet Metal Fabrication
- Plumbing
- Cosmetology
- Culinary arts
- Health technology
- Medical technology
- Hospitality & Tourism
- Horticulture, Arborculture & Landscaping
- Marketing
- Graphic Design & Visual Communication
- Information Systems Networking
- Office technology
- Computer Aided Drafting & Design
- Radio and TV Broadcasting
- Machine Technology
- Robotics & Automation
Client Testimonial
“In my 28 years in working with the City of Springfield and working with many, many, architects, what a pleasure it was to work with such a creative and thinking outside-the-box company.”